About US
Working Towards a Better Tomorrow
In an effort to strengthen the partnership among the Lebanese American community in Greater Cleveland, the Lebanese American Christian Society (LACS) was founded in 2005, under the banner of the Northern Ohio Lebanese American Association (NOLAA). Its members are working diligently to uphold many of the same values stated by the Lebanese American Society of Cleveland, founded in 1931 as a social and charitable organization.
NOLAA is a rebirth of the Lebanese American Society of Cleveland, a more contemporary vision at the dawn of the 21st Century in North East Ohio.
Among the Society’s original objectives were the promotion of understanding and unity among its members, the betterment of their conditions, their assistance materially when needed and the creation of understanding and unity among Lebanese Americans and their families in Cleveland and neighboring cities.
The updated Society will dedicate itself to preserving, enriching, and promoting the Lebanese heritage and traditions through cultural, educational, humanitarian and social activities. Its stated purpose is the establishment of religious, educational, charitable, scientific and literary programs and events.
Big House/Entertainment
E-Mail: jkhad91657@aol.com
Eric BirnesserSoftware/IT Consulting
E-Mail: eric.birnesser@gmail.com
All Faux You LLC/Decorative Painting
Phone: 440-313-1067
E-Mail: slindsay@allfauxyou.com